The future of Augmented Reality in Business and 4 Emerging Trends to watch out for

The future of Augmented reality in business
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Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information and graphics onto the physical world, creating an immersive and interactive user experience. Augmented reality in businesses has been gaining popularity in various categories, such as gaming, education, healthcare, retail, and entertainment. However, AR also has the potential to transform the way businesses operate and communicate, especially in the post-pandemic era.

4 benefits of Augmented Reality in businesses 

Some of the benefits of augmented reality in businesses include:

  • Enhancing customer engagement and loyalty by providing personalized and immersive experiences
  • Improving employee productivity and efficiency by providing real-time information and guidance
  • Reducing costs and risks by enabling remote collaboration and training
  • Creating new revenue streams and business models by offering innovative products and services

 Key trends to watch out for in the future of AR:

As AR technology evolves and becomes more accessible, businesses must keep up with the emerging trends and opportunities in this field. Here are some of the key trends to watch out for in the future of AR:

  • Spatial computing refers to integrating digital and physical spaces, where users can interact with both seamlessly. Spatial computing enables AR to create more realistic and natural experiences, such as mapping digital objects onto physical surfaces, recognizing gestures and voice commands, and tracking user movements and locations. Spatial computing also allows AR to leverage other technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, 5G, and blockchain, to enhance its capabilities and applications.
  • WebAR: This term refers to delivering AR experiences through web browsers without requiring users to download any apps or software. WebAR makes AR more accessible and convenient for users, as they can access it from any device and platform. WebAR also makes AR more scalable and cost-effective for businesses, as they can create and distribute AR content more easily and quickly. WebAR can be used for various purposes, such as marketing, e-commerce, education, and entertainment.
  • Social AR: This is a term that refers to the use of AR to create social and collaborative experiences for users. Social AR enables users to share their AR experiences with others, such as friends, family, colleagues, or strangers. Social AR also enables users to interact with other users’ AR content, such as commenting, liking, or adding their digital elements. Social AR can be used for various purposes: entertainment, communication, education, and networking.
  • Wearable AR refers to using wearable devices, such as glasses or headsets, to deliver AR experiences. Wearable AR devices offer users a more immersive and hands-free experience, as they can see and interact with digital information without looking at a screen. Wearable AR devices also offer a more discreet and stylish experience for users, as they can blend in with their surroundings and appearance. Wearable AR devices can be used for various purposes, such as navigation, gaming, health monitoring, and work assistance.

These are some of the emerging trends that will shape the future of AR in business. Businesses that want to leverage the benefits of AR need to adopt a proactive and innovative approach to explore the possibilities and challenges of this technology. By doing so, they can create value for their customers, employees, partners, and stakeholders.

AR in Business
AR in Business

Examples of successful implementation of AR in various industries

Retail: AR can enhance the shopping experience by allowing customers to virtually try on products such as clothes, glasses, or furniture. For example, IKEA Place is an app that lets users see how IKEA products would look in their homes before buying them. Similarly, Sephora Virtual Artist is an app that lets users try different makeup products and styles using their smartphone camera.

Healthcare: AR can improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients by providing doctors with more information and guidance. For example, AccuVein is a device that uses AR to project the location of veins on the skin, making it easier for nurses to perform injections or blood draws. Similarly, Microsoft HoloLens is a headset that uses AR to display holograms of organs and tissues, helping surgeons plan and perform complex operations.

Education: AR can enhance the learning process by making it more engaging and interactive. For example, Google Expeditions is an app that lets teachers take students on virtual field trips to different places and times, such as ancient Rome, the Amazon rainforest, or the moon. Similarly, Anatomy 4D is an app that lets students explore the human body in 3D by scanning printed images with their smartphone camera.

Tourism: AR can enrich the travel experience by providing tourists with more information and entertainment. For example, Blippar is an app that lets users scan landmarks, artworks, or products with their smartphone camera and get relevant information, such as history, facts, or reviews. Similarly, Pokémon Go is a game that uses AR to let users catch and battle virtual creatures in real locations.

 How PeachyAR can transform your business with augmented reality

Are you looking for a way to enhance your business with the power of augmented reality (AR)? Whether you are in retail, education, healthcare, or any other industry, AR can help you create immersive and interactive experiences for your customers, employees, and partners. But how do you get started with AR without spending a fortune on development and maintenance?

That’s where PeachyAR comes in. PeachyAR is a cloud-based platform that lets you create, manage, and distribute AR content with ease. You don’t need any coding skills or expensive hardware to use PeachyAR. All you need is a smartphone or tablet and an internet connection.

With PeachyAR, you can:

  • Choose from a library of ready-made AR templates or customize your own
  • Upload your own images, videos, audio, 2D models, and animations.
  • Drag and drop elements to create engaging AR scenes.
  • Preview and test your AR content in real-time.
  • Publish your AR content to any device or platform with a QR code or a link.
  • Track and analyze the performance of your AR campaigns with analytics and insights.

PeachyAR is the ultimate solution for anyone who wants to leverage the benefits of AR for their business. Whether you want to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, boost employee productivity, or simply have fun, PeachyAR can help you achieve your goals.

But don’t take our word for it. Try it for yourself and see the difference. Sign up for a free trial today and get access to all the features of PeachyAR for 14 days. No credit card required. No strings attached. Just sign up and start creating amazing AR experiences in minutes.

Don’t miss this opportunity to join the AR revolution. Sign up for PeachyAR today and unleash your creativity.

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